Mrs Judith Gardiner

Mrs Rachel Smith

Ms Samantha Dangerfield


Mrs Rachel Smith and Mrs Judith Gardiner

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher: Ms Samantha Dangerfield
Deputy Headteacher and Curriculum Manager: Ms Sian Jones
SENCO, Mental Health Lead and Designated Teacher for LAC: Miss Jo Paffett
Senior Leader and I.T. Manager: Mr Mark Pinsent
Senior Support Manager, Examinations Officer and Domestic Abuse Champion: Miss Karla King

Middle Leadership Team

Assistant Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Lead: Mrs Molly Urry and Mr Jack Morton


Junior Teachers: Mrs Sylwia Czubaj, Mr Jonathan Slater and Ms Lucy Wade
Year 7A Teacher: Ms Nicky Austin
Year 7B Teacher: Miss Luella Cossey
Year 8 Teacher: Mr Jack Hayes
Year 9 Teacher: Ms Sian Jones
Year 10 Teachers: Ms Rachel Jones and Mr Mark Pinsent
Year 11 Teachers:  Ms Mel Martin, Mr Alan Boughton and Mr James Ratcliff
English: Ms Rachel Jones
Maths:  Ms Clare van Gurp and Mr Alan Boughton
Science: Mr Tom Lamb and Mr Mark Pinsent
Philosophy and Ethics:  Miss Jo Paffett
PE: Mr Jack Morton
Drama: Mr Ian Berryman
Art: Mrs Molly Urry
Diversity Lead: Ms Nicky Austin
Music: Mrs Suzie Schaitel
Dyslexia Specialist Teacher: Mrs Sylwia Czubaj

Additional Responsibilities

Literacy and Library Lead: Mrs Ali Fuller

Literacy and Fresh Start Lead: Miss Luella Cossey

Support Staff

Miss Mel Martin
Mrs Alison Fuller

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Laura Goodgame
Mrs Alison Holden-Standley
Mrs Rachel McLeod
Mrs Gemma Montgomery
Mr Peter Morton
Mrs Cheryl Parmenter
Mr Dean Sabine
Mrs Jayne Senior
Ms Emma Smith
Mrs Josie Upton
Mrs Michelle Wright
Miss Tammy Pinsent
Mr James Ratcliff
Miss Naomh Walton

Office Staff: Mrs Karen Berryman - Neglect Champion, Mrs Tracey Buchan and Mrs Jessica King

Catering Coordinator: Mrs Jayne Senior

Caretaker: Mr Matt Langley

College Support: Mr Nigel McGrath

All Saints School
School Road, Lessingham
Norwich NR12 0DJ

Registered Business address:

All Saints School (Lessingham) Limited. Company no: 10323174
Rookery Farm, Reynolds Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5LY

Phone number: 01692 582083 – answerphone will be monitored throughout term time and school holidays