Our team has highly qualified staff with a broad range of experiences and qualifications. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Jo Paffett has the National Award for SEN Co-ordination and has considerable experience in the field of SEN. She works alongside the teaching and support staff to ensure the students have their needs met and they achieve the outcomes stated in their Education and Health Care Plan.

Monitoring children's progress is an integral part of teaching and leadership within All Saints School. We follow the 'assess, plan, do, review, model and aim to involve parents/carers and students in each step. When additional provision is selected to help a student, the SENCo, teacher, parent/carer and learner, agree what they expect to be different following this intervention. A baseline will also be recorded, which can be used to compare the impact of the provision.

Strategies and interventions are based around students' individual needs. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Literacy and numeracy interventions
  • Qualified counsellor
  • Occupational Therapy Services
  • Dyslexia Outreach Service support
  • PAT Dog therapy
  • Lego Therapy
  • Individualised timetables
  • Learning mentorship
  • Pastoral mentoring
  • Mental Health Champion
  • Visual Timetables
  • Quiet Spaces
  • Social Stories
  • Positive behaviour support plans
  • Speech and Language sessions
  • Social, emotional and mental health focused sessions based on a nurture model
  • TITAN - Travel Independence Training Across The Nation

Students, parents/carers and their teaching and support staff will be directly involved in reviewing progress. This review can be built into the intervention itself or can be a formal meeting held regularly, where we can all discuss progress and next steps.

Transition to Post 16 Provision

We recognise that for many of our students, moving on to college can be a stressful time. We start encouraging students to plan for this in Year 9, through the PSHEE programme and individual meetings with our independent careers' advisor. The Student Support Manager, Miss King, works closely with the SENCo and attends all KS4 Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) meetings to support with information, advice and guidance on post-16 choices. Working closely with parents/carers and colleges, additional individual meetings are arranged either at college or within school in order to obtain a smooth transition, with all areas of support identified. Transition days are planned for students to attend, during the school day, supported by Miss King wherever needed. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend careers events. Additional visits are planned and supported by school during the summer term.

Looked After Children

Young people who are in the care of the local authority and who also have a special educational need will receive support appropriate to their specific need. The SENCo will liaise with carers and social workers. They will attend PEP and LAC Review meetings as required.

A strength of our school is that is small and nurturing. We endeavour to develop good relationships with students and parents/carers to enable us to provide the best education possible. Staff regularly have contact with parents/carers to update on progress and discuss any concerns; contact can be through preferred methods such as face to face meetings, telephone appointments, emails, text messages or the home-school diary.

Further Information

For further information, please see the SEND Information Report.

All Saints School
School Road, Lessingham
Norwich NR12 0DJ

Registered Business address:

All Saints School (Lessingham) Limited. Company no: 10323174
Rookery Farm, Reynolds Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5LY

Phone number: 01692 582083 – answerphone will be monitored throughout term time and school holidays
Email: rsmith@allsaintslessingham.co.uk